Our Programs

We have the following programs being carried out by Lynsi Love CBO:

Orphanage Program

Safe Water, Health and Sanitation Program

The goal of this program is to promote drinking safe water and increase awareness of water born diseases. We are using BIOSAND water filter techniques by using 100 litre container with layers of gravel, river course sand. When set up, a BIO LAYER is formed which traps microbes and germs. These pathogens are trapped and people then have clean water for drinking.  

We promote awareness through distribution of bronchures and play videos to promote our message and increase local knowledge of  how costly it is to treat water-borne diseases.  We are training members of individual households as we help set up BIOSAND filters for them in the slums and rural villages.  We are also visiting hospitals and and dropping our pamphlets. We strive to teach everyone the importance of hand washing everything time they visit a toilet, handle food, change a  diaper of a baby, or handle animal waste.

Economic empowerment program through micro-financing an entrepreneurship training program

We have been giving out US$100 to widows with orphans at our centre to engage in Business generating activities. We give them Entrepreneurship training for two days then loan them at 10% interest. Those in groups do not give us a collateral, but individual applicants do.

We have been giving priorities to those widows living with H.I.V/AIDS Virus in most cases. If we can access more funding and more training this can help reach out to these neglected group in my community. We have so far helped 10 and we have more on the waiting list. This will help empower them economically and make them financially viable to face the challenges of opportunistic diseases.  
If we can get funding first for training them and changing their attitude then have a start up funds this can go a long way to help this widows and older orphans.

Education program both primary, Secondary and vocational training